POSIFLEX Business Machines Computer Monitor LM 8115 User Manual |
LM-8115 / TM-8115 / TM-8315
LCD Touch Monitor
User’s Manual
Rev. B0
LM/TM-8115 is a stand along LCD monitor for industrial and commercial use.
TM-8315 is a second display which suit for Posiflex POS Terminals with Gen.5
base stand.
Application covers POS, Factory Automation etc.
High quality 15” TFT LCD panel with scaling function for full screen display.
TM-8315 support power supply through LCD cable from Posiflex Terminals
(Power supply need to setup from terminal and please refer to the terminal’s
Recommended LCD resolution: 1024 x 768
Resistive type extra long life touch panel in USB interface or RS232 interface
(option) supports touch panel function including left/right button, double click, drag
& drop
Touch beep can be pitch adjusted/enabled/disabled by software control (for TM-
USB HUB function with 2 ports for optional side mount devices (SD-400Z or KP-
Connect to host through VGA port plus USB port (for all models) and/or COM port
(for RS232 touch model only)
Support 2 downlink USB ports
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class
A digital device pursuant to subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against
interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures to correct the interference.
Warranty will terminate automatically when the machine is opened by any person other than the authorized technicians. The user
should consult his/her dealer for the problem happened. Warranty voids if the user does not follow the instructions in application of
this merchandise. The manufacturer is by no means responsible for any damage or hazard caused by improper application.
This manual assists the user to utilize the LCD Monitor LM-8115 series and the Touch Monitor TM-8115/TM-8315 series. This
product provides exquisite touch control capability over a stable and adjustable LCD monitor with minimal footprint.
The manufacturer of the LM-8115 / TM-8115 / TM-8315 touch monitor heartily apologizes to the user for reserving the right to
change or to modify this manual without notice due to the rapid and constant progress and improvement on science and technology.
Copyright Posiflex Technology, Inc. 2011
POSIFLEX is a registered trademark of Posiflex Technology, Inc.
Other brand and product names are trademarks and registered trademarks and service marks of their respective owners.
P/N: 19690903030
Part 1
After open the carton, please take out the monitor carefully. Please place the
monitor’s bracket to the back of base stand and fasten the screws which circled
on the upper picture.
Main Unit
Display Screen
+ Touch Panel
Logo + Power
Adjustable Base
Main Unit
Display Screen
+ Touch Panel
Logo + Power
Adjustable Base
Option SD-400Z
Part 3
Lock/release button to
detach the main unit
Control button area
Push in this direction
to adjust the tilt angle
of the display panel
Lock/release lever
OSD button
NXT button
“+” button
“-“ button
Power switch
Control button area
Bracket to fix on the
base stand
OSD button
NXT button
“+” button
“-“ button
Power switch
Part 4
(to Devices)
(to Host)
(option RS232)
12 V DC
1. Side mount upgrade kit SD-400Z or KP-300
2. Wall mount kit (WB-6000V-B)
Option Side Mount Upgrade Kit
When a side-mount upgrade kit option such as SD-400Z is
ordered with the LM-8115 / TM-8115 / TM-8315 monitor, this
option is already installed in the delivery. No matter the kit
itself contains MSR only, finger print sensor only or both
options, the connection to the LM-8115 / TM-8115 / TM-8315
monitor is through an internal cable in right side cover of the
LCD/touch unit. Remove the 2 circled screws in the right
picture to remove the cover for side mount upgrade kit as viewed from back of
the panel.
Take out the cable inside this cover as arrowed in the right
picture here and connect it to connector inside the side
mount upgrade kit as circled in the same picture. Gently
arrange the excessive length of this cable back in the hole
and screw-fit it back to the position originally occupied by
the cover. Please reserve the cover if there is chance to
have the side mount kit removed in the future.
Cable Connections For TM/LM-8115
In order to settle the touch monitor properly in a point of sale system, all the
cable connections have to be routed through its base. Therefore, please observe
the procedures from A to C below to separate the main unit from the base
stand assembly after all cables in connection area disconnected.
Part 5
Step A: Prepare a soft clean flat surface, such
as a piece of cloth on the desk to seat
the front surface of main unit.
Step B: Press the Lock/Release button for
main unit detach and meantime ...
Step C: Slide the base stand assembly to separate
the main unit from base stand
Refer to the bottom view picture of the separated
base, pass all cable through the cable tunnel as
hollow arrowed with cable tie from the cable
passage to the main unit in left picture.
Cable Passage
Hook the main unit back onto base stand assembly by matching the matching
pegs to round part of matching holes and slide them down to slot part till the
rear lock/release button clicks.
Matching Pegs
Matching Holes
Round Part
Slot Part
Connect the VGA cable, USB cable (type B connector) and power cable to the
I/O connection area of LM-8115 / TM-8115. Connect up to 2 USB devices to
LM-8115 / TM-8115 at the type A connectors. Please note that unlike usual
USB HUB, these USB devices won’t be recognized by the host when LM-
8115 / TM-8115 are powered off.
Part 6
Option Wall Mount Kit For TM/LM-8115
Select a flat surface on wall of adequate strength and with proper ventilation
and space condition. Please use the right material to hold this monitor
according to the wall material (Drywall,
concrete, solid wood, etc). Consult with
your contractor if it is necessary. Please fix
WB-6000V-B at the holes inside the guide
holes circled in the picture to the wall or
fix it to a VESA joint at bosses on back
Front Side
Back side
The USB interface touch controller operates as an USB mouse without need
for any special driver in Windows. However, there is a program supported for
its calibration and touch function manipulation. Please find it in the attached
\Drivers\TM_LM\USB or select “Peripheral Drivers & Utilities” then “USB
Touch Manager” of “TM series” depending on the version of the CD-ROM.
For Linux environment, please find the setup program for the suitable kernel in
the same directory and install the required driver and calibration program as
the setup program proceeds.
The touch panel in TM system uses USB interface as standard and the optional
RS232 interface touch panel model uses RS232 interface. When the touch
driver is properly installed, this touch panel works exactly like a standard
mouse for both interfaces. However, if the system is running under safe mode,
most drivers are disabled in this mode and the touch panel calibration is
therefore not guaranteed. It is recommended to use a standard USB mouse or
keyboard in this mode.
All the below mentioned mouse emulation functions can be manipulated
through relevant software. The system can give a beep and a click on the left
button of a mouse at the point when the touch panel is touched. If the point
touched is dragged across the screen surface, it works as the mouse drag and
drop feature. If the point is touched, released and touched within a short time
interval, it is double-clicking left button of the mouse. To obtain the effect like
Part 7
clicking on the right button of a mouse, touching any point on the screen
surface after touching the right-click sticky button results as a click on the right
button of the mouse at that point.
USB touch manager
Once the USB control program is installed, the user can utilize it to calibrate
the touch screen, define mouse button emulation parameters, enable right
button emulation or define the click sound’s tone and duration. Please go to
“Program Files” and select “Posiflex USB Touch Tools” and then select
“Posiflex USB Touch Manager” within the tools to engage this utility. Most
items in this utility should be easily understandable to average user.
Followings are just some reminders on some items.
Calibrate – This button engages the “Posiflex USB Touch
Hide Cursor – This button hides or shows the mouse cursor on
screen display. Please never hide cursor before the touch is enabled
and calibrated.
Restore Defaults – This button resets all touch parameters to default
Edge Accel. – This function engages the “Posiflex USB Touch Edge
Acceleration Tool” and helps to find the hidden taskbar or thin scroll
bar through touch.
Enable Touch – This check box must be checked to have the touch
panel working.
Enable Touch_to_Calibrate – This check box provides a shortcut
for touch calibrator by holding touch for a programmed time delay.
However, this function denies the touch mode of “Click on Release”.
Enable Buzzer – This check box enables the internal buzzer beep as
response to touch on touch panel.
Enable Frequency – This selection box selects the buzzer tone by
up/down arrows beside the box.
Enable Duration – This selection box selects the length for the touch
beep by up/down arrows beside the box.
Double Click Area – This selection box selects the size of touch
point on touch panel by up/down arrows beside the box. A too small
touch size makes the double click operation difficult. A too large
touch size results in unsatisfactory touch accuracy.
Time delay to Touch_to_Calibrate – This selection box defines the
touch time required for a shortcut to Touch Calibrator by up/down
arrows beside the box when the “Enable Touch_to_Calibrate” check
Part 8
box is checked.
Touch Mode Setting – Only one of the three radio buttons can be
selected. The mouse emulation refers to the drag and drop function.
OK – This button accepts all parameters set and closes the utility
Apply – This button accepts all parameters set and remains in the
utility window.
Cancel – This button discards all changes to the parameters and
closes the utility window.
Help – This button provides explanations.
USB touch calibrator
This program helps re-calibrating the touch position with the USB mouse
emulation. Please touch the calibration targets at each corner and a
confirmation box that appear sequentially.
c. USB touch edge acceleration tool
Helps to find the hidden taskbar or thin scroll bar through touch
Enable ... – Each check box determines whether or not to engage
edge acceleration against which edge of screen.
Margin – This list button selects the range to engage edge
acceleration toward the edge before the edge is reached.
Compensation – This list button selects the distance to advance the
mouse toward edge from touch point.
USB touch right button tool
This tool differs slightly from the “Touch as Right Button Click” check box in
the USB touch manager. When executed, there will be a small window of
“One Shot Right Button” appearing on desktop. Any touch on the panel right
after touching this small window will work like clicking the right button of
mouse at that point. However, the next touch will resume the left button of
mouse unless the small window is touched again.
If the TM-8115/TM-8315 system purchased is the RS232 interface Resistive
type touch panel, the touch controller is of RS232 interface. The “Posiflex
Touch Terminal Manager” above should be disregarded. In case there is any
external COM port summoned for this purpose, that COM position of the
system will be covered in the connection area. Removal of this cover will
void the product warranty!!
Once the RS232 touch controller driver is installed, the user can utilize it to
control the mouse emulation. Please click “Start”, “Settings” “Control Panel”
and “Elo Touchscreen” or just click the “elo” icon in tool tray to engage this
utility. However, with this touch controller driver, certain display mode like
Part 9
full screen display of Windows DOS box should be avoided.
The USB touch is not applicable for OS other than Windows as USB mouse is
not supported in DOS environment. The USB touch is also not applicable
when the monitor is used to be the extended screen in multiple monitor
In using the MSR of the side mounted upgrade option for reading a magnetic
stripe card, be sure to insert the card to the bottom with magnetic stripe facing
the mark aside the slot. The movement of the card can be either inserting the
card from the top surface then sliding the card down out of the slot, or sliding
the card upward from the lower side of the slot till it reaches the top end as
long as the card is a standard one. A non-standard card recorded without
complete degaussing prior to recovery may accept only one direction in card
If the fingerprint sensor option is installed in the side mount kit, please find the
most comfortable angle for the fingerprint taking operation in consideration of
the LCD panel tilt angle and try to align the core of fingerprint in the sensing
Green: standby
Blue: power on
When this touch monitor is turned ON, the LED light is in blue. When the
VGA signal vanishes, the monitor shows “No signal” for a while and goes into
standby mode and LED is green. However, the touch panel is still operational.
OSD buttons
The 4 OSD control buttons are above the power
switch button on left side of the LCD panel.
“OSD” button: To enter OSD setup menu, or to
perform function selected in OSD operation.
“NXT” button: To go to next option function.
“” “” button: To increase setting value.
“” “” button: To decrease setting value.
Part 10
OSD functions
Press “OSD” button with a normal display on the screen to activate the OSD
functions (On Screen Display adjustment). The OSD window will pop up on
the screen. On top part of this window is a Posiflex logo with the OSD
firmware version indicated to its lower right. Below this area is a row of icons
for main OSD menu. Below the main menu is a group of icons for submenu
that corresponds to one icon selected in the main menu. An analysis of the
video signal on resolution and refresh rate will be displayed at the bottom.
Applicable icons in the main menu and its subsequent menus are explained
“MAIN MENU”: There are in total 5 icons in this
menu: One of the 5 icons will be displayed in inverted color to indicate its
relationship with the submenu below. Pressing “NXT” button will shift the
selected icon one by one from left to right and then wrap around to the most
left. Press “OSD” button to enter the selected sub menu. If there is no button
for OSD setting is pressed within a period of time (about 5 seconds to 1 minute
as programmed) the OSD window will disappear with all the adjusted
parameters saved. Explanations on items in sub menu are as below.
icons in this submenu:
Press “OSD” button to select item or return
to main menu. Press “NXT” button to select among brightness, contrast and
“BRIGHTNESS ADJUST”: When this item is selected, there
will be only the brightness icon with an adjustment indication bar under
it between the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press “+”
button to increase brightness. Press “-” to decrease. Press “OSD” button
to save the current setting and return to “Brightness/Contrast submenu”.
“CONTRAST ADJUST”: When this item is selected, there will
be only the contrast icon with an adjustment indication bar under it
between the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press “+”
button to increase contrast. Press “-” to decrease. Press “OSD” button
to save the current setting and return to “Brightness/Contrast submenu”.
“EXIT”: Return to “Main menu”.
“COLOR ADJUST SUBMENU”: There are 4 icons in this submenu:
Press “OSD” button to select item or return to main menu.
Press “NXT” button to select among auto color adjust, auto
RGB reset, Color balance adjust and exit.
“AUTO COLOR ADJUST”: Upon an “OSD” button press on
this icon the monitor will perform an automatic color adjustment and
Part 11
exits the OSD window leaving 2 icons below at center of the screen.
Press “NXT” button to switch the selection. Press “OSD” button to
make the choice.
“ACCEPT”: Accept the adjustment setting.
“REJECT”: Decline the adjustment setting and return to
previous setting.
“AUTO RGB RESET”: Upon an “OSD” button press on this
icon the monitor will perform an automatic RGB reset and exits the
OSD window leaving 2 icons below at center of the screen. Press
“NXT” button to switch the selection. Press “OSD” button to make the
“ACCEPT”: Accept the reset result.
“REJECT”: Decline the reset and return to previous setting.
“COLOR BALANCE ADJUST”: When this item is selected,
there will be 7 icons in this item:
between main
menu area and the video signal mode. Press “OSD” button to select an
item or return to color adjust submenu. Press “NXT” button to select
among separate color adjust, 4200K, 5000K, 6500K, 7500K, 9300K and
“SEPARATE COLOR ADJUST”: When this item is
selected, there will be 3 adjustment indication bars between the
main menu area and the video signal mode. Press “NXT” button to
select among the 3 colors Red, Green and Blue respectively. Press
“+” button to intensify that color. Press “-” to reduce. Press
“OSD” button to save the current setting and return to “Color
balance adjust submenu”.
“4200K”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will set the
color balance to a color temperature of 4200 degrees Kelvin.
“5000K”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will set the
color balance to a color temperature of 5000 degrees Kelvin.
“6500K”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will set the
color balance to a color temperature of 6500 degrees Kelvin.
“7500K”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will set the
color balance to a color temperature of 7500 degrees Kelvin.
“9300K”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will set the
color balance to a color temperature of 9300 degrees Kelvin.
“EXIT”: Return to “Color adjust submenu”.
“EXIT”: Return to “Main menu”.
“GEOMETRY ADJUST SUBMENU”: There are 6 icons in this
submenu: Press “OSD” button to select item or return
to main menu. Press “NXT” button to select among auto geometry adjust,
Part 12
horizontal size, phase, horizontal position, vertical position and exit.
“AUTO GEOMETRY ADJUST”: Upon an “OSD” button press
on this icon the monitor will perform an automatic geometry adjustment
and exits the OSD window leaving 2 icons below at center of the screen.
Press “NXT” button to switch the selection. Press “OSD” button to
make the choice.
“ACCEPT”: Accept the adjustment setting.
“REJECT”: Decline the adjustment setting and return to
previous setting.
“HORIZONTAL SIZE”: When this item is selected, there will
be only the horizontal size icon with an adjustment indication bar under
it between the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press “+”
button to increase horizontal size. Press “-” to decrease. Press “OSD”
button to save the current setting and return to “Geometry adjust
“PHASE”: When this item is selected, there will be only the
phase adjust icon with an adjustment indication bar under it between
the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press “+” or “-” button
to adjust the pixel synchronization phase for best picture display. Press
“OSD” button to save the current setting and return to “Geometry
adjust submenu”.
“HORIZONTAL POSITION”: When this item is selected, there
will be only the horizontal position icon with an adjustment indication
bar under it between the main menu area and the video signal mode.
Press “+” or “-” button to shift the screen display to right or left. Press
“OSD” button to save the current setting and return to “Geometry
adjust submenu”.
“VERTICAL POSITION”: When this item is selected, there
will be only the vertical position icon with an adjustment indication bar
under it between the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press
“+” button to shift up the screen display. Press “-” to shift down. Press
“OSD” button to save the current setting and return to “Geometry
adjust submenu”.
“EXIT”: Return to “Main menu”.
“TOOLS SUBMENU”: When this item is selected, there are 5 icons
in this submenu:
Press “OSD” button to select item or
return to main menu. Press “NXT” button to select among OSD submenu,
reset to default, phase, smoothness / sharpness adjust, mode select and exit.
“OSD SUBMENU”: When this item is selected, there are 4 icons
in this submenu:
Press “OSD” button to select item
or return to main menu. Press “NXT” button to select among OSD time,
Part 13
OSD horizontal position, OSD vertical position and exit.
“OSD TIME”: When this item is selected, there will be
only the OSD time icon with an adjustment indication bar under
it between the main menu area and the video signal mode. Press
“+” or “-” button to adjust the waiting time for OSD operation
before OSD termination between 5 to 60 seconds. Default is 30
seconds. Press “OSD” button to save the current setting and
return to “OSD submenu”.
“OSD HORIZONTAL POSITION”: When this item is
selected, there will be only the vertical position icon with an
adjustment indication bar under it between the main menu area
and the video signal mode. Press “+” button to shift OSD
window right. Press “-” to shift left. Press “OSD” button to save
the current setting and return to “OSD submenu”.
“OSD VERTICAL POSITION”: When this item is
selected, there will be only the vertical position icon with an
adjustment indication bar under it between the main menu area
and the video signal mode. Press “+” button to move OSD
window downward. Press “-” to go upward. Press “OSD” button
to save the current setting and return to “OSD submenu”.
“EXIT”: Return to “Tools submenu”.
“RESET TO DEFAULT”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon
will set all parameters back to the status when the monitor left factory.
selected, there will be only the smoothness / sharpness adjust icon with
an adjustment indication bar under it between the main menu area and
the video signal mode. Press “+” button to increase smoothness of
display (decrease sharpness). Press “-” to go the other way. Press
“OSD” button to save the current setting and return to “OSD submenu”.
“MODE SELECT”: Pressing “OSD” button on this icon will
have no effect at all if the display mode is not one of the confusing
modes. The confusing modes here mean 640 x 400 or 720 x 400 in
display resolution as both mode have refresh rate of 70Hz, horizontal
frequency of 37.9KHz and pixel frequency of 31.5MHz making it
impossible for automatic select. These modes are not used in normal
Windows display.
“EXIT”: Return to “Main menu”.
“EXIT”: Exit OSD setup with all adjustment saved.
Part 14
For video signals beyond the supported display modes, there will be a message
“Out Of Range” on middle of screen. Maximum supported color depth is 24
bits or 16.2 M colors. Supported display modes are as in the table:
Horizontal Frequency
Display Resolution
Refresh Rate (Hz)
In case of any malfunction, please check the following points in sequence to
resolve it.
1. If there is no power indication, please check the power connection.
2. If there is no picture display with power LED on, please check the video
signal connection.
3. If there is no touch function, please check the connection of the USB
cable for USB interface touch controller.
Part 15
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