Press and hold SETUP. The indicator light
com es on. Keep holding until the light
goes off.
ꢀꢁꢋꢂ EXIT: Exit key (Voyager)
ꢀꢃꢅꢂ VCR/ VOD: VCR/ VOD toggle sw itch
What it does
BR-360 keypad
Hides all on-screen graphics and returns
you to regular TV viewing.
Selects the device to which the BR-360
transport keys (22) transm it. Slide to
“VCR” to send transport/pause com m ands
to your VCR or DVD player. Slide to “VOD”
to pause, scan forward/backward, stop,
and resum e play of a current Video-On-
Dem and program .
Op e ra t in g
The BR-360 operates all Pioneer Voyager BD-
V1000/BD-V3000 series Digital Hom e Term inals, as
well as som e hom e term inal m odels from other
m anufacturers.You need the BR-360 to experience
all the viewing options Voyager offers, because
you can’t access all Voyager functions from the
Hom e Term inal front panel keys or from other
brand rem otes.
The BR-360 operates your Voyager Hom e Term inal,
TV, VCR, and audio equipm ent (stereo receiver/
am plifier). Certain keys only operate certain
devices. Keys that work together are clustered to
m ake them easier to locate.
Release SETUP. The indicator light blinks
ꢀꢁꢁꢂ HELP: Help access key (Voyager)
In s t ru c t io n s
Displays helpful inform ation about
Voyager operation.
Press VCR.
Enter the three-digit code. Indicator light
blinks twice to confirm acceptance.
ꢀꢁꢃꢂ A, B, C: Function keys (Voyager)
Each key is described below. These are basic
descriptions only. Refer to the m anual(s) that
cam e with your Hom e Term inal to learn how to
use the keys.
ꢀꢃꢆꢂ TV/ VCR: TV/ VCR key (VCR)
Make direct selections from on-screen
m enus.
Toggles the VCR’s TV/VCR switch.
Point the BR-360 toward the VCR.
ꢀꢁꢄꢂ DAY +/ –: Program guide day skip keys
The BR-360 also supports basic rem ote control
functions for nearly allTVs, VCRs, stereo receivers/
am plifiers, and som e DVD players.You don’t have
to rem em ber to switch “m odes” with the BR-360
each key always transm its to one device.
Press VCR. Did the VCR turn off?
RF Bypass control
Skip forward or backward a whole day in
the program guide.
The device(s) in parentheses are those the key will
operate. For exam ple, note that item 18 below
(CH +/–) will change the channel on the Voyager
term inal only, not on the TV or the VCR. Before
you can use the BR-360 to operate your TV and
other equipm ent, see Program m ing your BR-360
below to learn how to set up the BR-360.
Setup com plete. Write down the
three-digit setup code below for
future reference.
ꢀꢃꢇꢂ BYPASS: RF Bypass key (Voyager)
Toggles the Voyager’s optional RF Bypass
Try setup again starting from step 2,
using the next code listed for your
brand. If you’ve tried all codes for
your brand without success, try the
m ethod under Searching the code
Channel/ volum e control
This instruction sheet contains setup instructions
and device codes. Keep this sheet in case you
need to set up the BR-360 rem ote again in the
ꢀꢁꢅꢂ FAV: Favorite channel recall key
Program m ing your BR-360
Note: Som e keys designated “Voyager” m ay not
operate with som e versions of hom e term inal
hardware or software.
Tunes channels previously stored in the
Voyager term inal’s favorite channel
m em ory.
Setup for Voyager Hom e Term inal
For DVD player setup, find your DVD player
brand and its three-digit codes under DVD
player setup codes on the back of this sheet.
Then follow the above VCR instructions using
your DVD player and code.
No setup is required.The BR-360 is ready to run
the Voyager Hom e Term inal.
ꢀꢁꢆꢂ LAST: Last channel recall key
Two AA batteries power the BR-360.
To install batteries:
Indicator light
Accesses the previously tuned channel.
Setup for TV operation
Blinks when the rem ote transm its a
com m and. Also helps you during setup.
ꢀꢁꢇꢂ MUTE: Mute key (Audio,TV, or
player setup code is:
Find your TV brand and its three-digit codes under
TV setup codes on the back of this sheet. If your
brand is not listed, go to Searching the code
library instead.
Push the battery cover tab
toward the center, and lift
the cover off.
Silences the audio. Press to activate. Press
this key again to restore sound to the
previous level.
Power control
ꢀꢃꢂ AUD,TV, CBL, VCR: Device power keys
(Audio,TV, Voyager, VCR/DVD player)
Turn power of these devices on/off.
Setup for stereo receiver/ am plifier
Turn on the TV.
ꢀꢁꢈꢂ VOL +/ –: Volum e rocker key (Audio,TV,
or Voyager)
Press and hold SETUP. The indicator light com es
Find the audio equipm ent brand and its three-
digit codes under Stereo receiver/ am plifier
setup codes on the back of this sheet. If your
brand is not listed, go to Searching the code
on. Keep holding until the light goes off.
Raises or lowers the sound level.
On-screen operations
Release SETUP. The indicator light blinks once.
ꢀꢁꢉꢂ CH +/ –: Channel rocker key (Voyager)
ꢀꢄꢂ MENU: Main m enu access key
Press TV.
Selects the next higher or lower channel.
Enter the three-digit code. Indicator light
blinks twice to confirm acceptance.
Displays the m enu of Voyager features.
ꢀꢁꢊꢂ 0 – 9: Num eric keys (Voyager)
Turn your receiver (or am plifier) on.
Directly tune channels by num ber. Also
m ake num eric entries in on-screen m enus.
ꢀꢅꢂ INFO: Inform ation key (Voyager)
Press and hold SETUP. The indicator light
com es on. Keep holding until the light
goes off.
Insert two fresh AA
batteries, in the
directions shown
inside the battery
com partm ent.
Point the BR-360 toward the TV.
Displays inform ation about the program
currently playing or highlighted in the
program guide.
ꢀꢃꢋꢂ ENTER: Enter key (Voyager)
Press TV. Did the TV turn off?
Im m ediately tunes the channel num ber
you’ve just entered.
Release SETUP. The indicator light blinks
Setup com plete. Write down the three-
digit setup code below for future
ꢀꢆꢂ GUIDE: Interactive program guide key
Press AUD.
BR-360 program m ing
Try setup again starting from step 2,
using the next code listed for your
brand. If you’ve tried all codes for your
brand without success, use the
m ethod under Searching the code
Displays the program guide listings.
Enter the three-digit code. Indicator light
blinks twice to confirm acceptance.
ꢀꢃꢁꢂ SETUP: BR-360 setup key
ꢀꢇꢂ 5 , 4 , 6 , 3: Display navigation
Starts program m ing your BR-360.
keys (Voyager)
Highlight an item from the on-screen
Replace the battery
Point the BR-360 toward the receiver.
VCR/ DVD/ VOD operations
Press AUD. Did the receiver turn off?
ꢀꢃꢃꢂ 7,
, 8, <, ;: Transport keys
(VCR, DVD player, or Voyager)
Activate play ( ), rewind (7), fast-
Setup com plete. Write down the
three-digit setup code below for
future reference.
SELECT: Display action key (Voyager)
Activates the highlighted item .
My TV setup code is:
Try setup again starting from step
2, using the next code listed for
your brand. If you’ve tried all
codes for your brand without
success, try the m ethod under
Searching the code library.
ꢀꢉꢂ PAGE +/ –: Page rocker key (Voyager)
forward (8), stop (<), and pause (;)
functions of your VCR or DVD player.Take
the sam e actions on Video-On-Dem and
program m ing through the Voyager
term inal. Determ ined by position of VCR/
VOD toggle switch (24).
Setup for VCR or DVD player operation
Accesses pages above or below the
inform ation currently displayed.
© 2001, Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc.
2265 East 220th Street
Long Beach, CA 90810 USA
telephone: (310) 952-2111
You can choose to control either your VCR or your
DVD player. For VCR setup, find the VCR brand and
its three-digit codes under VCR setup codes on the
back of this sheet. If your brand is not listed, go to
Searching the code library.
ꢀꢊꢂ SETTINGS: Voyager settings m enu key
Displays the m enu of preferences for your
Voyager hom e term inal.
ꢀꢃꢄꢂ = : Record key (VCR)
My receiver/am plifier
setup code is:
Starts recording on your VCR.
‹C 029 AACA›
Turn your VCR on.
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